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Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Looking to the future

About ten years ago I met a client who was about thirty two years of age . He was dynamic , smart and extremely well versed with worldly cultures.He had started his career as a sixteen year old in an office environment, making the teas and coffees ,shredding paper and so on.However , his astute eye and quest for knowledge was insurmountable.He sucked up every bit of information that he could like the proverbial sponge , making notes when he went home so that he could study these concepts that he was taking on board.Day after day he repeated his actions and as the year passed on he became more engrossed in the mechanics of the operation. Soon after his eighteenth birthday he approached the manager with a view to changing his job role and working in the administration department. Up till his point he had always been viewed as the tea boy come office helper, however little did anyone suspect that he had accumulated this vast knowledge and quest for advancement of his future.After some deliberation the manager decided to interview him for the role.He arrived that day in a suit and tie , shining shoes and a broad grin on his face. The rest , as they is history as ten years later this person is the CEO of this company.He had the fire in his belly and the determination to succeed. Successful yes! Deliberate in his focus yes! Determined to achieve yes!Does he hold every degree available-NO!Then what does he have in his armour. He has the people recognition factor.The ability to discover what makes staff perform to their own capability.He is a visionary with a penchant for leading in the right direction. A great listener, a superb listener.He uses both ears and speaks with one mouth!!

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