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Sunday, 17 November 2013

I am not getting responses to my applications.

I frequently get asked why don't I get a response to my job applications.If this is happening on a regular basis, then there has to be something wrong with the CV match to the actual job specifications. In other words does your CV have those all encompassing KEY Words. I am aware that this issue gets bandied around on a regular basis ,however it is up to you to make sure everytime that you submit your CV that you check, cross-match and cross-reference them. I know it is painful and laborious however it will make a huge difference to your success rate.It becomes a fruitless excercise to submit the same CV to every job that you apply for.That extra attention to detail will make a significant difference and no doubt attain a positive result. So here are some useful tips to increase your chances of finding suitable employment: 1)Select keywords from job application/adverts and mimic on your CV each and every time 2)Write a short and punchy cover letter 3)Make sure your headline summary/personal profile is convincing and accurate 4)Search in the right places 5)Apply for the right job suited to you-read the advert carefully Make your jobsearch and responses more frequent by following some basic rules. Till next time Solutioncoach

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