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Saturday, 19 January 2013

Creating Brand You!

We all have our personality carved and moulded over many years of parental input, school environment, maybe tertiary education and eventually the workplace.I suppose your partner also has a fair share in that process. However having said all of that, then I pose the question why when we are in the process of job hunting and subsequent interviews that we refrain and actually refuse to create BRAND YOU. What is it that prevents you from stepping out of the box and changing the way you look, feel and act. It's time for a makeover in your mindset so begin to create the new BRAND YOU. After all if you keep doing the same thing over and over ... well as you know you will just get the same result. Take that first step to success even if you cannot see the top flight of steps at this stage . Keep working on it until you achieve the new BRAND YOU. Till next time...

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