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Friday, 5 October 2012

How to motivate your teenage child

I have no doubt that this is a huge topic amongst parents who are continually looking at ways to motivate their children into upping their performance. So then if this is the case then why is it such a huge struggle for parents to employ workable "tactics" to reduce that ever present stress level. I pose the question to all parents to consider reflection and examine the proposition "How did I handle that situation?" The fundamental strategy is NOT to create a power struggle with the teenager. This creates animosity and a quest for the upper hand.Then the battle begins with "You see I told you " and "Don't you ever listen to me?" I suggest that a fixed time family meeting is arranged and issues discussed coupled with a positive learning strategy . This can include time management skills and a basic task programme which will create responsibility rather than a chore. In fact these coping strategies will assist with exam time organization and homework focus. Forget the power struggle and discuss and rather re-affirm all the positive attributes of holding these informal but productive family interventions. Till next time.... Solutioncoach

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